10 Advice For Husband After Hysterectomy - (Husband’s Role)


Going through a hysterectomy procedure can be daunting for your spouse, so as a husband, there are things you can do to help them go through the procedure. It is important to understand hysterectomy surgery is generally not an optional procedure. Even if there are alternate treatment options available, getting a recommendation to get a hysterectomy means there are considerably serious menstrual health issues that your wife is facing. 
So, a husband’s role after hysterectomy would be to first learn about the procedure and be aware of its recovery process. This is crucial to ensure you are able to support your partner through a tough period. And to help you navigate hysterectomy surgery recovery support, here is a look at 10 post-hysterectomy care tips that you can perform while caring for spouse post-surgery.

10 Post Hysterectomy Care Tips for Supporting Wife After Surgery

1. Be There With Her Physically
After your wife is out of the surgery, Gynaecologists may recommend that she can go home. Be there for her. Bring her home safely and don’t let her drive or have her come home alone. These moments are emotionally jarring for any person to has gone through a major procedure like a hysterectomy. Being there by her side is one of the best ways for you to support your wife after surgery.

2. Share Her Responsibilities
Once she is back home from the hospital, make sure you share the household responsibilities with her. Getting adequate rest after the procedure will help her recover faster and be able to get back to her life again. However, having to perform all types of household chores may delay recovery and increase the chances for complications. So, be it cooking, cleaning, or other household chores, try to help her as much as you can.

3. Help Her Manage Her Medications
Post-surgery, there are a lot of medications that patients may need to have. Having medicines on time is crucial to ensure quick and proper recovery. You can also help her get all the medicines she needs on time. To help her stay on her recovery schedule, you can talk to her Gynaecologists and understand her medicine schedules yourself to help her recover smoothly.

4. Encourage Her To Get The Necessary Rest
When you are back from the hospital, one of the first things anybody would want is to feel normal again. And feeling normal involves doing all the things you used to do before. However, after a surgery, rest is required to ensure you are not putting yourself in danger. So, make sure you encourage your partner to get the rest they need. And the best way to ensure this is to be with them and not leave them alone during the recovery process.

5. Be There For Her Emotionally
Emotional support is just as important as physical support in helping patients recover. Being there for your wife emotionally means you should be receptive to her needs. All the points mentioned above are parts of supporting your partner physically and emotionally. Additionally, you can also try to help her feel normal about herself and help her with any insecurities that she might be developing. Small actions go a long way in helping your wife recover well.

6. Try Making Nutritious Meals For Her
Recovery is a lot about eating healthy and if your wife is the person that always makes delicious meals for you, this is your chance to return the favour. Do note that the food you prepare for her, should also be healthy and not just tasty. Having a balanced meal every day can help her regain her strength and recover quicker. You can also talk to her Gynaecologists to understand her dietary needs post-surgery better.

7. Accompany Her on Doctor Visits
This is a great opportunity for you to understand the recovery process in detail and note down any details that she may miss during the visits. It is also a great way to show your support for her recovery and ensure that she is safe while travelling.

8. Help Her Recover At Her Own Pace
Recovery depends on the patient and it doesn’t always work like clockwork. It is key that you remain patient and supportive of your wife throughout the process. This will help her feel more comfortable and not feel rushed to recover. Allowing your wife to take the time will help her immensely as the female body can go through difficult hormonal changes after an aggressive procedure like a hysterectomy. So, always remember patience is the key.

9. Take Attention of Your Sex Life
This is a very important yet tricky subject. If you don’t bring up sex, your wife may feel that you don’t desire her any more or are freaked out by her after the procedure. On the contrary, if you constantly bring it up, it would be an unnecessary pressure on her. The key is to talk openly about the subject with your wife and offer positive reinforcement to her about her femininity and desirability.

10. Communicate With Her
Ask her about her feelings. Ask her how she is recovering. What is she scared of? Talk to her doctor and understand the changes (if any) she might be going through post surgery and talk to her about them. A lot of the times, after hysterectomy surgery, women may have bouts of depression due to the loss of fertility. Talk to your wife and let her know of your presence and support throughout the process. It will help you maintain a solid relationship while being the best friend and partner your wife needs as she is going through something.


If you follow these tips as a husband, your wife will love you more and recover in an optimal timeline. Just remember that communicating with her and being there by her side are the two most important things you can do during this period. You can also talk to her doctor to learn more about ways you can help her recover. To learn more about hysterectomy surgery and get the best minimally invasive hysterectomy procedure with a quick recovery, visit MASSH.


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