Male Infertility Testing: What to Expect and When to Seek Help


Male infertility is a common health concern that affects men across the world. In India, 10 to 15 out of every 100 couples that are trying to conceive have trouble in doing so due to problems associated with male infertility. It is also important to note that male infertility is not a disease or a condition. It is the result of several sexual health problems that can lead to a man not being able to successfully impregnate their partner. 

Male infertility is often considered a taboo subject with many people being completely unaware that it can be a problem. This leads to ignoring male infertility symptoms and late diagnosis, which leads to more difficult problems which lead to harder treatment of male infertility. So, to help you understand the male infertility causes, let’s take a look at its important risk factors and symptoms. 

This will help you know when to seek help from a male infertility specialist. Even if you are not exhibiting symptoms, regular checkups with a male infertility doctor once you are a sexually active adult can help you prevent several health problems.

Male Infertility Causes

As mentioned earlier, male infertility is not a condition by itself, but rather the result of several health problems that can affect the sexual health of men. Several medical conditions can lead to male infertility problems. Let’s take a look at some of the most common causes for male infertility.

Sperm Production & Delivery

Sperm production and delivery are the most common cause for male infertility. If your body has trouble producing healthy sperm, producing adequate sperm quantity, or has problems with delivering the sperm into semen, it could lead to male infertility. These problems can’t be diagnosed at home and require the help of doctors and diagnostic tests. If you are having trouble conceiving with your partner, you should visit a doctor and get a diagnosis. In most cases, these problems can be treated medically allowing you to reverse the damage and conceive naturally over time.

Varicocele Veins

Varicose veins are a common cause for male infertility and it is medically treatable. This condition leads to problems with the blood flow to your testicles, which can lead to reduced sperm quality and sperm count. Varicose veins require a medical diagnosis, however, with a timely diagnosis, you can reverse the condition easily with medical treatment. In some cases, it may even involve surgical treatment.

Ejaculation Problems

Ejaculation problems generally refer to a condition called retrograde ejaculation where the semen doesn’t exit from the tip of the penis, but rather enters the bladder upon ejaculation. This condition is often caused due to other prostate and other urinary tract problems and is more common among people over the age of 40. However, this doesn’t mean that men younger than that are completely risk free. Even though the risk can’t completely be mitigated, the condition, in most cases, can be treated medically by treating the underlying condition.

Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections can also cause male infertility if they are left untreated for a long period. Given the lack of awareness about urological problems in men, often UTIs go unnoticed in men. Apart from UTIs, STIs, and conditions like HIV can also cause male infertility. Practising safe sex and taking care of your health and hygiene are extremely important in preventing all the infections mentioned here. So, make sure you and people around you are aware of these potential risks and take appropriate measures to prevent it from affecting them. UTIs and STIs are painful and can be difficult to treat if they are not diagnosed early.

Hormonal Imbalances

Hormonal imbalance refers to a medical condition where the levels of hormones necessary for optimal reproductive health in men are not available in adequate amounts inside the body. This can be caused by a number of factors including underlying health conditions. Hormonal imbalances can lead to sperm production and delivery problems, which in turn leads to infertility. Hormonal imbalances can be difficult to track in men and require a medical diagnosis to understand. If you are having trouble conceiving, doctors generally run diagnostic tests to check if you have hormonal imbalance or not. The condition can be treated medically after diagnosis.

Understanding The Risk Factors of Male Infertility

Now that you know the common causes of male infertility, it is important you know about the risk factors too. Male infertility and the problems relating to it can affect you at any age, and as such, you should be aware of the risk factors to take preventative measures. Here are some of the most common risk factors of male infertility.

  • Smoking tobacco
  • Drinking alcohol excessively over a long period
  • Using recreational drugs
  • Not maintaining a healthy body weight
  • Overheating your testicles by working on laptops for long hours
  • Injury to the testicles
  • Exposure to radiation and toxins over an extended period
  • Urinary tract or sexually transmitted infections
  • Undescended testicles due to developmental problems
  • Having fertility problems from birth or having direct relatives who have fertility problems

Male Infertility Symptoms You Should Know About

Now that you know about the risk factors of male infertility, let’s explore the various symptoms that you should monitor for male infertility. Remember these symptoms in most cases indicate a problem and should be discussed with your doctor immediately.

  • Difficulty maintaining an erection
  • Loss of libido
  • Premature ejaculation
  • Difficulty ejaculating 
  • Low ejaculation volume
  • Lump or inflammation that hurts in your testicles and groyne area
  • Abnormal growth of breast tissues (gynaecomastia)
  • Sudden loss of facial and body hair
  • Cloudy urine after orgasm

When Should You Visit A Doctor?

All the symptoms mentioned above are clear indications of problems with your sexual and reproductive health. They warrant a visit to a male infertility specialist because the conditions that are causing the symptoms become more difficult to treat the longer you wait to get the treatment. If you and your partner are in your thirties, it is extremely important that you take these symptoms seriously and opt for treatment. Because if you don’t it could lead to you never being able to have kids with your partner again.


Male infertility sounds scary, but it doesn’t have to be. Just by following a routine checkup with your male infertility doctor once you are an adult, you can protect yourself from the problems that lead to male infertility. To learn more about male infertility, the problems that cause it, and the treatment options, check out MASSH. We specialise in modern treatment options for almost all medical conditions that lead to male infertility. Check out our website to learn more or visit us today and avail our world class medical services.



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