6 Best Yoga Poses & Exercises To Deal With Piles


Yoga has always been known to have positive effects for your health, but did you know it can even help you manage conditions like piles and fissures? Piles is a common condition that affects more than 10 million people in India. The inflammation/swelling in the veins of your anus or lower rectum are known as haemorrhoids or piles.  

They can either be internal where they can’t be touched or felt from the outside, or they can be external which protrudes around the anal opening. While the exact cause of piles is not understood by doctors, it can be treated using medication and lifestyle changes. One of the most effective treatment measures for piles and fissures is yoga and regular exercises. 

So, if you are trying to manage your condition at home, check out these 6 best exercises and yoga for piles and fissures.

6 Best Exercises for Hemorrhoids & Piles

Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose)

Baddha Konasana pose for piles

Baddha Konasana is a simple pose that you can practise at any time. It strengthens your inner thighs, knees, and the groyne region in general. In terms of health benefits, it helps provide relief from any abdominal distress or digestive discomfort you may be experiencing. As shown in the yoga for piles images, you can easily perform this exercise starting by sitting with the soles of your feet touching each other. 

Next, you need to wrap your fingers around your toes and sit with your spine straight. The aim is to hold this pose for a minute, but you can hold it longer, if you can. Practising it a few times a day can help you strengthen your groyne muscles.

Balasana (Child’s Pose)

Balasana (Child’s Pose) for piles

The child’s pose or Balasana is a great female exercise for haemorrhoids. It helps with better circulation in the anal region and is known to be great in relieving symptoms of constipation. Performing this exercise every day can help you reduce your risk of haemorrhoids and improve your bowel movements. To perform this exercise, you need to sit on your knees and lay down flat on them with your hands on your lower abdomen.

Placing your hands on your lower abdomen increases the pressure in that region, which will help improve the effects of the exercise on your digestive health. Once you are comfortable in the pose, alternate your hands by extending them over your head as far as you can. Stay in this pose for as long as five minutes and try practising it twice a day.

Pranayama (Deep Breathing)

Pranayama (Deep Breathing) for piles

Pranayama is a common deep breathing yoga exercise that has a lot of health benefits. It helps relieve the built up pressure in your pelvic floor muscles, which helps treat conditions like constipation. Performing pranayama regularly can help you lower your stress levels and live a healthier life in general making it one of the best exercise for haemorrhoids due to its many benefits. 

To perform pranayama all you need to do is sit comfortably and breathe in deeply through your nose while your lips are closed. The key is to breathe in deeper than usual and then slowly breathe out from your mouth. While breathing out, it is important that you let the breath move across your throat, which creates the ocean sound from your mouth while exhaling. Performing pranayama regularly can help you live a healthier life. It can be practised many times a day, especially when you are feeling very stressed.

Pawanmuktasana (Wind Relieving Pose)

Pawanmuktasana (Wind Relieving Pose) for piles

Applying pressure to your abdomen can often help the digestive processes, however, you should know how to and where to apply pressure. The wind relieving pose is a good example of exercise that can help you manage your haemorrhoids better. It helps with digestion, constipation, and can also relieve excess gas from your digestive system, which helps reduce bloating and discomfort. 

To perform this exercise, you need to lay on your back and pull your knees in towards your abdomen. Once there, the key is to pull your knees in more with your hands and hold yourself in that position for as long as you can. Initially, you should aim to hold this pose for a minute before trying it again.

Viparita Karani (Legs Up The Wall Pose)

Viparita Karani (Legs Up The Wall Pose) for piles

The aim of this exercise is to improve blood circulation to the anal region. It helps relieve some of the pain and discomfort associated with piles and haemorrhoids. To perform this exercise you need to start by laying down on the floor next to a wall. Once you are on your back, you need to raise your legs straight up against the wall and be in that position. 

You can keep your arms anywhere you like or use it to support your upper body up on your elbows. The key is to hold this position for as long as 15 minutes. If you want you can also lay on your back and massage your abdomen lightly with your hands while you are holding this pose.

Pelvic Floor Exercises

Pelvic Floor Exercises for piles

Pelvic floor exercises are a group of exercises all aimed at helping you strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. The specific exercise that helps manage the symptoms of piles and haemorrhoids is pelvic floor contractions. This exercise helps strengthen the anal muscles and trains the anal sphincter. It makes passing stool easier and relieves any uncomfortable and unnecessary straining you may be having to do during excretion. 

To perform this exercise, you need to sit or lay down in a comfortable position and contract your anal muscles. The key is to contract only with half your strength and hold the contraction for five seconds. Make sure you are contracting like you are trying to stop yourself from passing gas.

 Once you have contracted the muscles for five seconds, relax them for 10 seconds and repeat the process again. Make sure you squeeze the muscle and relax it as fast as you can, that’s the goal of this exercise. It will help you have better control over your sphincter. Be sure to repeat this exercise two to four times a day for best results.


The exercises mentioned in this list are highly effective at helping you manage your piles and symptoms of haemorrhoids. However, you should know that there is no exercise to cure piles permanently. Any piles specialist doctor in Delhi would confirm that piles is an incurable condition that can be treated and managed, but not cured. 

So, if you are experiencing the symptoms of piles, get the best (piles) haemorrhoids treatment in Delhi only at MASSH. We specialise in modern medical treatments for piles and haemorrhoids that help you relieve your symptoms and manage the condition. Check out our website to learn more about our treatment options or visit us today to consult with our specialists.

Source: https://massh.in/ 


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