Hypertension Risk Factors & Prevention Tips You Must Follow


Hypertension is classified as a condition that’s caused by blood pressure. Any person who has high blood pressure over 140/90 mmHg is considered at risk of hypertension. High blood pressure causes stress on arterial walls, which can increase your risk of heart attacks and strokes. 

Hypertension is known as a silent killer since this condition is extremely common and high blood pressure symptoms are not readily visible, which can be used to treat the condition at an early stage. Regular medical checkups and an active lifestyle are the only ways to keep yourself healthy against hypertension. So, this World Hypertension Day, let’s review some of the most common risk factors and preventative measures for hypertension treatment that can even prevent the condition and reduce your risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Hypertension Risk Factors To Look Out For

Lifestyle Factors

There are three lifestyle factors specifically that can increase your risk of hypertension significantly. These include smoking, drinking alcohol excessively, and a sedentary lifestyle, which are well-known as causes of high blood pressure. Let’s review how each of these problems can affect your health.

  • Smoking: Smoking is a common cause of hypertension among millions of people worldwide. Studies have shown smoking tobacco causes an immediate spike in heart rate and blood pressure levels. When smoking is continued over a long time, it puts immense pressure on your arterial walls and significantly increases your risk of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Alcohol: The muscles in your blood vessels are affected by drinking too much alcohol. Much like smoking, alcohol consumption can also increase the pressure on your arterial walls. People over the age of 35 who drink alcohol regularly are at the highest risk of developing hypertension due to this habit.
  • Sedentary Lifestyle: Studies have shown that a sedentary lifestyle increases your risk of hypertension by as much as 50%. Whether sitting and working or driving a vehicle for long hours, not getting enough active exercise during the day can significantly damage your health.

Dietary Factors

If you want to live a healthy life, it starts with fixing your diet and understanding the high blood pressure diet. Unhealthy food habits can increase your risk of hypertension and even lead to obesity, which increases your risk for cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, and even some types of cancer. High blood pressure medication too has its own side effects in the long term, so dietary modifications are one of the safest ways to prevent and reduce your risk of the condition. Let’s review some of the important dietary factors that can lead to an increased risk of hypertension.

  • Salt: Excess salt consumption can increase blood pressure. It is recommended that adults consume less than 6 grams of salt a day to maintain a healthy blood pressure level. However, people with unhealthy eating habits involving fast food and fried items easily exceed the recommended levels, significantly increasing their risk of hypertension.
  • Red Meat: Consumption of red meat is often considered a risk factor for hypertension. As you age, lowering your consumption of red meat is very important to monitor your risk of hypertension.

Preventative Measures For Hypertension

Now that you know about the risk factors, it is advisable that you avoid those practices as you age, to stay healthy. There are other things you can do to improve your health and lower your risk of hypertension. Here are some of the best ways you can prevent hypertension.

  • Regular Exercise: Exercising doesn’t only mean going to the gym. Going on walks regularly, swimming, and aerobic exercises work equally well in keeping you healthy. The key is to exercise at least 30 minutes a day every day to keep yourself healthy. It lowers your risk of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases significantly.
  • Better Sleep: You may not have problems sleeping, but are you sleeping on time and getting eight hours of sleep regularly? If not, it could increase your risk of hypertension and other associated health conditions. Sleeping eight hours a night and ensuring you sleep and wake up early go a long way into maintaining your health.


Hypertension can prove to be fatal, if you don’t mitigate the risk factors and take preventative measures. Now that you know about the causes of high blood pressure, try incorporating them in your daily life to live a healthier and more fulfilling life. So, this World Hypertension Day, let’s join hands to bring awareness for hypertension and incorporate the preventative measures in our lives. For more information about hypertension, its associated complications and treatment options, check out MASSH.

Source: www.massh.in


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