
Showing posts from December, 2023

Cervical Cancer Causes and Risk Factors

  Cervical cancer is relatively rare, but it is still the fourth most common type of cancer that affects women. There are several  causes of cervical cancer  with the most common one being a sexually transmitted infection called HPV or human papillomaviruses. The average age of diagnosis for cervical cancer in women is 50, which shows that it affects ageing women who have hit or are close to hitting menopause.  As one of the most important causes,  HPV and its connection to cervical cancer  must be understood and studied to reduce your  risk factors for cervical cancer . So, let’s review the various causes, risk factors, and the connection of HPV and cervical cancer to ensure you are safe from the condition. But first let’s understand what HPV is and why it is a major risk factor for cervical cancer. What is HPV & Why Is It A Risk For Cervical Cancer? HPV or human papillomaviruses is a sexually transmitted infection that is very common among people...

Male Infertility Testing: What to Expect and When to Seek Help

  Male infertility  is a common health concern that affects men across the world. In India, 10 to 15 out of every 100 couples that are trying to conceive have trouble in doing so due to problems associated with male infertility. It is also important to note that male infertility is not a disease or a condition. It is the result of several sexual health problems that can lead to a man not being able to successfully impregnate their partner.  Male infertility is often considered a taboo subject with many people being completely unaware that it can be a problem. This leads to ignoring  male infertility symptoms  and late diagnosis, which leads to more difficult problems which lead to harder  treatment of male infertility . So, to help you understand the  male infertility causes , let’s take a look at its important risk factors and symptoms.  This will help you know when to seek help from a  male infertility specialist . Even if you are not exhib...

How Do Fibroids Affect Your Period?

  Uterine fibroids affect your periods in several ways. As these growth increases in size inside your uterus, they can put strain on your menstrual health, which can affect your wellbeing. The key is to opt for the  best treatment for fibroids  once they have been diagnosed. However, as a precaution, you need to know how fibroids affect your periods, to look for the symptoms that can help you get an early detection.  With an early detection, you will be able to treat your condition, without the need for surgical treatments. So, before you search for “ gynecologist near me ” online, let’s review the different ways fibroids affect your menstrual cycle, so you know when you need to visit a doctor. How Do Fibroids Affect Your Periods? Menorrhagia (Heavy Menstrual Bleeding) Heavy menstrual bleeding also known as menorrhagia is one of the most common effects of fibroids on your menstrual cycle. Heavy menstrual bleeding successively for a few months can be an indicator that...

10 Advice For Husband After Hysterectomy - (Husband’s Role)

  Going through a hysterectomy procedure can be daunting for your spouse, so as a husband, there are things you can do to help them go through the procedure. It is important to understand hysterectomy surgery is generally not an optional procedure. Even if there are alternate treatment options available, getting a recommendation to get a hysterectomy means there are considerably serious menstrual health issues that your wife is facing.  So, a  husband’s role after hysterectomy would be to first learn about the procedure and be aware of its recovery process. This is crucial to ensure you are able to support your partner through a tough period. And to help you navigate  hysterectomy surgery recovery support , here is a look at 10  post-hysterectomy care tips that you can perform while  caring for spouse post-surgery . 10 Post Hysterectomy Care Tips for Supporting Wife After Surgery 1. Be There With Her Physically After your wife is out of the surgery,...